My hubbie and I have been talking about losing weight forever and a day now, kinda like we have been talking about exercising. Once in awhile we do this heart soup diet for a week. It really works. It not only helps us drop a few pounds (usually 7-10) in the week, but cleanses our pallats of unnecessary appetites. Then....we give in to something sweet: a coke, a glass of sweet tea, a snack of some sort and it is on again.
I was getting dressed for work last night and my pants were really tight. I was disgusted and thought that is to get back on track again. The whole thought made we want to dig into the chocolate covered cherries left over from Valentines. (They were whispering my name). I realized that generally I don't think much about food, but here lately, have felt like I was starving to death and worse yet, was craving junk. End result-we both have put on the weight we lost in January.
Made me think of my appetites, and how what I take in is what I crave. If I take in healthy stuff, I crave healthy stuff, and the opposite is true. It is not only true in my physical life but in my spiritual life as well. When I read my Bible, I want more...when I don't, I don't. So....not a new revelation, but a truth that needs to be applied to my life. My appetites need to be under control. I have to feed myself what I need, not what I want. When I do it correctly, my wants change to reflect my needs as opposed to my wants controlling everything.
Need new discipline...gonna try to tell my wants to take a back seat today! Next week, going on the soup diet again!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Posted by Empty Nester at 5:16 AM
Labels: Faith, Life observations
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