And HE IS just that-AWESOME! Wed. night I discovered that the other two ladies who go to the jail on Thursdays weren't going to be able to go. The one, our fearless leader, was sick-she was supposed to be going and teaching this week. Hmmm....what to do, what to do, what to do....ran through my head and bounced up in a prayer. I wasn't prepared to teach...actually had a lengthy to do list that morning...and I hadn't gone by myself over there yet. On the way home from services, I weighed my options, pros and cons, debated with myself...a day off would be nice...hadn't planned on teaching and didn't have a lesson...but then...last service before the holiday, the ladies have been so faithful in their Bible studies and if they didn't get them turned in, it would be three weeks before they could get another one...hmmm...back to what to do?????
Went to bed with no idea, got up with a prayer, "Lord, I need a lesson if I am going to go, and I have no idea." I was back to considering Mephibosheth again, but picked up my Experiencing God workbook and started thumbing through it. I landed on the how does God speak section and started looking up the Scriptures and cross referencing. God impressed my heart, and I went with it. It took me a couple of hours to compile it, get it typed and such. Last week I had taught on how our heart determines our attitudes and actions, and that we need to get to the root of our belief system and determine what we believe and why. It was an incredible lesson for ladies who are trapped in this destructive lifestyle. Learing to hear God speak and know that He wasn't going to lead contrary to His Word was a logical step. These ladies have submitted themselves to everything but God-that is how they got to the end of their ropes!
I was still a little apprehensive, but got dressed, went to the church to gather materials, and headed out to the maximum security facility. I got there right on time, went in, visited and started the lesson. There are two pods; we go into each one for an hour. Inside of the pod is a meeting room where we meet. We take in tracts, literature, Bibles, a correspondence Bible course, and teach a lesson. Turns out...I was the only one to show up. The other team that comes in didn't come. The ladies thanked and thanked me for coming. The correspondence course keeps multiplying-many have been faithful for over a month now! God showed up-the ladies joined in the discussion, shared their hearts, interacted and received Spiritual truths! One testified about how she was struggling with homosexuality. She needed confirmation that it wasn't God directing her that way. I got to deal with Jesus being our mediator, tearing down the veil of partition between us and God. I got to share with them how much God loves us and how good His plans are for us-if we would just listen and obey. Wow, wow, wow....there is absolutely NOTHING like ministering where God has planted you!
I finished, said my goodbyes, and got in my jeep. The song on the radio was a 33 Miles song, One Life...you only get one life to find out the one thing you don't want to miss...one life to love...I sang and praised God for this one life to make a difference! Oh yea-forgot the punch line....I have had these young military guys on my heart for some time...all year really...since I met Chris back in January. I pray for them all the time-stop by the dorm and pray over them, asking God to bring them to Him. Many are swept away by this new life, new Independence, money and prestige that attracts girls to them. They get caught up in pornography, alcohol and whatever else....and I know many of them have moms and dads missing them and praying the same things I pray for my kids. Anyway...sometimes I think all is lost, but then God opens a door again. Yesterday, He did just that. Taylor had been popping in a bit, so we still have opportunity with him. Chris showed up yesterday at the house-first time he has been here in 6 months. Yippee....encouraged him to come back to Shady Grove. We are inviting a bunch of them over for Christmas. Don't know who will show and who we will get to minister to, but a door is open, and I know God loves these guys and wants to work in their lives!
And...I am awed...that He chooses to use me at all!
Friday, December 19, 2008
How Do You Spell AWESOME?
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AMEN! Isn't wonderful when we realize that just by living our life God can bring folks to us to minister too! We just need to be aware of what HE is calling us to do and not miss opportunity! :) GLAD you tookt he opportunity to impact some women this Christmas Season. Prayerfully that time with you there to focus on them, JUST YOU, will hold them through the 2 weeks you can't go. Praying for these women and the boys!
Noah and Celeste's mama
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