We hadn't decided if we were doing a tree because the house is still in shambles. I didn't want to add to the chaos. In the end, we did decide in favor of the tree. Last Friday, my chaos meter pegged out, and I had a melt down. Steve and I spent the day cleaning, organizing, sorting in the dining room and living room. Then we put the tree up. Doreen wrapped presents for me...I have been collecting gifts for the family, but hadn't had time to wrap any of them! Alex spent Friday night with us; he helped wrap too! We finished out the night with a movie, The Ultimate Gift.
I am trying to keep focused on the greatest need-not material gifts, but salvation. It had been a few months since I talked to Alex about salvation. He had gotten in trouble Friday afternoon which opened a door for me to talk to him about "what we do." He told me back in August that he thought we got to heaven on works. His "works" had been getting him in trouble lately, so we discussed how to really get to heaven. He has come to a head knowledge of what salvation is and has changed his mind about the works idea! We had an awesome talk, no salvation yet, but doors are being opened.
I had to work Saturday and Alex's dad was coming through. Alex was so excited to see his dad; he was jumping around! :) We had a nice visit with the family-considering we are in a construction zone! (I am so getting over having people here under these conditions!). We were looking forward to seeing Chance. He has grown so much! The time was short, but glad for all of it! After Alex's other side of the family left for Florida, Doreen and I went to the store to get ribbon for the tree. We had so much fun picking that out and then later decorating the tree.
I have been doing a theme tree for a few years now, but this year thought that our families should do a combined tree. Doreen loved it and brought over the ornaments they wanted to put up. My brother, Doreen, Steve, and I all decorated it together. The tree took on an entirely different character and the atmosphere was so much sweeter because of our combined efforts! When we finished, we sat back and took it all in.
Sunday, we spent helping Toni clear stuff out and get ready for the movers on Monday. In between all that we went to church....Sunday night our pastor preached an awesome salvation message. He confirmed everything I had just talked to Alex about. Earlier in the week, my brother and I were talking about our family and their need for salvation. Our pastor hit on all of that too. I had to go pray. As I was kneeling down at the altar, my brother touched my shoulder. I prayed then scooted next to him. We prayed together for the salvation of our family members! I could not begin to express how precious that is to me-to not be the only one in the family praying for the rest of our family! After services, we came back to the house to have sub sandwiches and head to the boardwalk to take pictures. We had a really good time doing that.
On Thursdays, most Thursdays, I go to the prison ministry. This past week was my turn to teach again. I thought I was going to teach one thing, changed my mind, changed my mind again, woke up that day and changed my mind again! REALLY....ended up on what is in our heart determines our attitudes and actions. That really hit home for me, because what we are is inside-the outside is just a manifestation of that. There is something different about believing something to be true and really believing it in our heart-our heart determines our actions. If it gets to our heart-it comes out! Our ladies in the jail ministry got a good dose of what salvation and Christian living really is this past week and....so did I!
loved all of this post! especially the pics ;) I am sure your tree is amazing!
Noah and Celeste's mama
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